Why it works
There are many different types of headaches ranging from tension headaches to migraine headaches. With each of these types there can be a common factor, upper cervical muscular tension. This muscular tension can cause restricted vertebra in the neck, inflammation and swelling of the joints of the upper cervical spine and surrounding muscular tissue. It can also lead to irritation of the nerves that supply the head and upper neck region leading to a variety of headaches as well as neck pain.
The Headache Hammock can help relieve headache and neck pain by releasing this muscular tension using an occipital lift. By placing your head properly on the device, the specialized hi-density heatable or coolable foam will lift up the head and traction the back of the skull called the occiput, while at the same time applying gentle pressure to the muscular tension in the upper neck. When this occurs, the muscular tension will relax and the head will settle into the hammock of the device. In many cases, both acute and chronic headaches as well as neck pain will improve rapidly and when used regularly the Headache Hammock may reduce headache and neck pain completely.
Please compare the Headache Hammock to other related products on the market and you will see the difference in quality and effectiveness!